I have, however, found some rather amusing things to keep me going. One of which is a book (a movie as well), North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell.
I am addicted to anything related to England in the 1800's! Particularly it's love stories! Especially the stories where the girl gets swept off her feet by a handsome stranger after a couple of juicy fistfights and a terrible misunderstanding!! I first found the movie, loved it so much I just HAD to read the book! (I think it's funny that most of the books I read, I watch the movie version first.) But, ya! I'm also still reading Jane Eyre (I'm almost to the end). It's amazing, I think I'm turning into a book-liker! Who would have guessed!

I like watching the movies first...because then I picture the same characters when I'm reading. That way, I don't read first, get ideas, then get ticked off when the movie doesn't match what I envision!
6 weeks?! THAT'S IT?!! Wow...that will FLY!!! And then you'll be with us in ALASKA!! (Was that encouraging enough?!!) :-)
I know spring and the end of your school year can be rough. You do have to travel a lot which can really be tiresome. You'll make it through. Maybe the time will go be faster than you imagine. You have Alaska to look forward too. I am glad that you enjoy working there in the summertime. It looks amazingly gorgeous.
Love Boop
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