Wednesday, January 21, 2009

All I want to do is draw!

All of my 'spare' time has been going to drawing these past too weeks. And when I say 'all of my time' I mean..... several hours a day, during the week. Good thing all of my other classes are not all that hard this semester! Instead of doing homework or reading  assignments for my other classes, I've been watching movies and drawing. I'm at least taking a drawing class, though. Drawing 2. It's more difficult than drawing 1 (obviously), so it's only natural to spend more time practicing, right? I'm excited that I'm getting a lot better at techniques and becoming more comfortable with the material (mostly charcoal).
There's just my Chemistry class that I pretty much have everyday of the week that is bumming me out! Ever since I've started studying art I've become addicted to being more right brained. Math/science classes don't even make it to my top 10 of favorite subjects any more. Reaching into my left hemisphere has become painful and, for some concepts, very hard to reach! 
Back to my drawing class, though! We're working on self portraits. 
Here are a few sketches 
I've done...... I know, they aren't very good. 
The one on the left I drew from a photograph of myself (this one didn't turn out too bad), but the one on the right is just down right HIDEOUS! I drew it from looking at myself in the mirror! I guess what I REALLY look like is a dead person with no eyelashes and very little hair!


Unknown said...

I love that first one; you did an awesome job! And hey, even if the second one doesn't look like you, you're still a better drawer then me any day! Props to you :)

Alisa said...

What are you talking about? The first one looks just like you! It is great!! Way to go!! Just draw from more of those pictures...

Kintype Photography said...

Steve, that last one is pretty bad...maybe you need a new mirror!?!?!

Betty's Reflections said...

Its great that you are into art so much. I love the self portrait #1.

Love Boop