(I think that ring's gonna have to be bigger!)
Everyone my age is getting married! Well, actually all the people my age that I pretty much grew up with are already married or engaged and some of the married ones are having kids! But now, even MORE people are getting married. Not that I'm saying I want to get married right now, too... cuz I'm not. I think I still have a good 5-10 years until that happens. Besides, the guy I marry would have to pretty special to get along or at least be able to handle my family! And my family is a big part of my life.....so, there you go! I am just feeling a little older. I could do what ever I want to!!... if I wanted to. And that's a nice feeling! I think I have crossed over that threshold of being careless and am now careful. Careful with what, you might ask? I don't know! I think just everything in my life.
I'm becoming more and more excited about drawing!! I LOVE IT! Maybe because I'm getting better and better! I'm not trying to boast, but I've finally found something that I can become rather good at! And I haven't been really good at anything. Just good at a lot of things. But most importantly I enjoy it. I think I enjoy it a little too much. I have now lost interest in any other class that is not art related. I used to try to be good at math and science classes, but now? I JUST DON'T CARE! I will say I do enjoy my geography class, however. Probably because I love to travel. Now the tricky part is finding a way to support myself (finacially) AND be able to do what I love. (left: composition of 6 different faces into 1)Now, would you eat the moon if it were
made of RIBS?!?!?