So, are people really stupid and ignorant or do they just forget their brains at home while they go on vacation?
Whatever the answer, people are stupid nontheless. Skagway is not a difficult town to find your way around in! It's 5 blocks wide and 25 blocks long and all of the streets are straight. But, all the tourists need to know is a 2 by 8 block radius! The Skagway newspaper has a section in it dedicated to stupid questions/comments made by tourists. A few of my favorites include...
A gentleman walked into Jewell Gardens (a restaurant/pretty gardens just outside of Skagway) housing break room and asked the location of the "seal show." He explained that he had been told to walk accross the bridge and there would be a seal show. "Where is it?" He was directed to the foot bridge a mile to the south and told to look out for them at Yakutania Point.

A tourist asked a bartender at the Elks, what kind of "spider" was hanging on the wall. The bartender looked up at the handsome wall mount of a creature from the depths of Taiya Inlet, and said, "That's an Alaskan King Crab Spider."
From tourists visiting Mendenhall Glacier in Juneau, AK:
"What happens to the white color when the snow melts?"
"How do you tell the difference between a fresh salmon and a smoked salmon?"
"Can you fish through the glacier?"
A very blonde and young tourist came into the shop where I work and asked my brother, Jay,
"Excuse me, where can I find a moose?"
(more stupid tourist comments to come soon!)